Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects


Performance Portability and Programmability for Heterogeneous Many-core Architectures

  • Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP), October 2010 - December 2012

  • Coordinator: Universität Wien (Austria)

  • Others partners: Chalmers Tekniska Högskola AB (Sweden), Codeplay Software Limited (United Kingdom), Intel GmbH (Germany), Linköpings Universitet (Sweden), Movidia Ltd. (Ireland), Universität Karlsruhe (Germany)

  • Abstract: PEPPHER aims at providing a unified framework for programming architecturally diverse, heterogeneous many-core processors to ensure performance portability. PEPPHER will advance state-of-the-art in its five technical work areas:

    1. Methods and tools for component based software

    2. Portable compilation techniques

    3. Data structures and adaptive, autotuned algorithms

    4. Efficient, flexible run-time systems

    5. Hardware support for autotuning, synchronization and scheduling

Collaborations in European Programs, except FP7



  • Program: COST

  • Project acronym: ComplexHPC

  • Project title: ComplexHPC

  • Duration: may 2009 – june 2013

  • Coordinator: Emmanuel Jeannot

  • Abstract: The goal of the Action is to establish a European research network focused on high performance heterogeneous computing in order to address the whole range of challenges posed by these new platforms including models, algorithms, programming tools and applications. This Action gathers more than 26 countries and 50 partners in Europe. The budget for the whole action and the four years is 380 000 euros.